Performance Benchmarks
KVFR sets performance benchmarks each year in a public hearing. Staff also reports to the community on KVFR’s performance at the end of the year. Benchmarks and compliance for 2018 are listed in the following sections.
Turnout Time Standard
Turnout time is the time from dispatch to when the apparatus responds. Non-emergent calls for service (routine transfers, burn complaints, etc.) are not included.
- 0700 hours to 2200 hours: 110 seconds (1 minutes and 50 seconds).
- 2200 hours to 0700 hours: 195 seconds (3 minutes and 15 seconds).
- Each standard to be met 90 percent of the time.
- 0700 hours to 2200 hours: standard was met 82.1 percent of the time in 2018.
- 2200 hours to 0700 hours: standard was met 80.5 percent of the time in 2018.
Response Time Standard for Incidents Classified as Fires (excluding wildland incidents)
- Response/travel time: 720 seconds (12 minutes) for the arrival of the first engine company to a fire suppression incident.
- Standard to be met 90 percent of the time.
- Standard was met 92.1 percent of the time with the first engine responding in under 720 seconds in 2018.
Response Time Standard for Full First Alarm Response
- Response/travel time: 900 seconds (15 minutes) for the arrival of the full complement of a first alarm response to a fire suppression incident.
- First alarm response includes five (5) firefighters, two (2) engine companies, and one (1) Command Officer.
- Standard to be met 90 percent of the time.
- Standard was met 94.1percent of the time in 2018.
Response Time Standard for EMS-Basic Life Support (BLS)
BLS and ALS response times are tracked separately.
- Response/travel time: 720 seconds (12 minutes) for the arrival of the first emergency medical unit with appropriately trained personnel to an emergency medical incident.
- Standard to be met 90 percent of the time.
- Standard was met 93.1 percent of the time in 2018.
Response Time Standard for EMS-Advanced Life Support (ALS)
ALS response criteria are established at the County level.
- Response/travel time: 900 seconds (15 minutes) for the arrival of a transport capable ALS staffed unit.
- Standard to be met 90 percent of the time.
- Standard was met 97.2 percent of the time in 2018.
Response Time Standard for Haz-Mat
KVFR trains personnel to a minimum of hazardous materials awareness.
- Response/travel time: 900 seconds (15 minutes) for the arrival of the first unit with appropriately trained and equipped responders to a hazardous materials incident.
- Standard to be met 90 percent of the time.
- Standard was met 100.0 percent of the time in 2018.
Response Time Standard for Technical Rescue
- Response/travel time: 1,800 seconds (30 minutes) for the arrival of the rope rescue team with appropriately trained and equipped responders.
- Standard to be met 100 percent of the time.
- The standard was met for the only incident for a priority response in 2018 - with all other responses non-priority (no lights or sirens).
Response Time Standard for Aircraft Fires
Response Time Standard for Water Rescue
Response Time Standard for Wildland Incidents
- Response/travel time: 900 seconds (15 minutes) for the arrival of the first unit with appropriately trained and equipped wildland firefighting personnel.
- Standard to be met 90 percent of the time.
- Standard was met 95.5 percent of the time in 2016.